Call Me Arthur
In the summer of 2015, studio owner Annie Dixon wanted to apply for a small business grant
but was annoyed to find that it required 250 votes on facebook to qualify,
as that required both a business and a personal page be established
and both she and Ronald had thus far resisted all suggestions and invitations to do either.
Unfortunately, the studio did not receive a grant,
but the process did grant the studio the opportunity to create its 'spokespainting,' Arthur Dixon,
and venture into social media, so that's a consolation prize.
Below is the email appeal sent to clergy, clients, friends, and family,
which brought in the necesary votes and which explains the origin of Arthur,
just weeks after Caitlyn Jenner appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine.

Does the art world sometimes seem completely insane?
Are you tired of offensive art subsidized by government grants?
Would you like to bring some Sanity and Fairness to the Funding of Art?
Here is your opportunity to support beautiful & meaningful art with a privately funded Mission Main Street Grant from Chase.
Our grant application outlines three specific areas for development & support:
1. training another generation to carry on the traditional ecclesiastical crafts
2. developing and promoting our own line of Staunton-made vestments
3. offering designs and prints from the studio archives in fine art venues
Dixon Studio has applied for this grant for small business and needs your vote to advance to the next round!
If you haven't already, Click Here to Vote.
One vote per person.
You must have a facebook account to place your vote. *
No geographic requirements; you can vote from anywhere for our small business which is located in Staunton, Virginia and works nationwide.
We need 250 votes by June 19.
* Call me Arthur --on facebook
I'm Annie Dixon in real life; in the virtual world of social media, I'm Arthur.
In real life, I'm an entrepreneur, a Class A contractor, a college graduate, and a woman of a certain age who values her privacy and doesn't want to jeopardize her professional image with party pictures and misspelled memes.
(Of course, I can't cast a vote for my own business since I'm not using my own name, because I don't want to jeopardize the tally with vote fraud.)
I posted a window design instead of a photo on my LinkedIn profile.
I built the studio website and created a 'nom de plume' for its webmaster, Arthur Dixon, who maintains the studio facebook page and has his own personal facebook page.
Because, it's not about me; it's about the artwork.
Besides, Arthur has a halo and I don't, and he has the best email:
So, if you are on facebook, we would greatly appreciate your vote!
If you're not, we can relate, and would greatly appreciate your passing this along to some young whippersnapper who can click, post, text, tweet, or whatever else they do to get the word out and the votes in!
Thank you for your consideration!
Annie Dixon